Free Healthy School Lunches

As you may be aware, Freyberg High School is implementing the Free and Healthy School Lunches programme starting on the 18th October 2021 - Term 4, initially with cold lunches until our new commercial kitchen is completed and then we will create hot lunches also.

All students are entitled to receive a free and healthy school lunch every day that school is open. We will be delivering 1100 healthy and nutritious meals each day to our students, although there is absolutely no obligation for all students to have these lunches and if your child feels they want to bring their own lunch to school still, that is fine.

We want to take this opportunity to inform you of some more details, as well as to ask you to let us know about any allergies or dietary requirements.

Food allergies and dietary requirements
We urgently need to know if your child has any known allergies or conditions that means they cannot eat certain types of food.
The most common allergens are:
Peanuts or Tree Nuts
Dairy or Lactose Intolerance
Sesame Seeds
Gluten whether they are celiac or just gluten free.
Soy Beans
In addition, please let us know if your child has any religious or faith based dietary requirements, or if they are vegetarian or vegan.
Please could you email as soon as possible and state the allergen or dietary requirement, along with your child’s name.


Students will still be able to purchase some food items and drinks from a smaller canteen at interval. With this in mind, we would strongly encourage as many students as possible to bring their own morning tea, which they can eat between 11:00am and 11:20am.
We will still have Breakfast Club running every day in the Library, where students can access food before school if they are hungry and have not had anything prior to school starting in the morning.

Lunches during last week of Term 3, 2021
The school canteen will be closed for the last week of Term 3, 2021 so please ensure your students have lunch with them for this week.

Managing Waste
As part of the programme we will investigate effective waste management and control.

We hope this information is useful to you as we implement our free and healthy school lunches programme and we thank you in advance for your support for this exciting initiative.

Once again, if you have any questions about the programme please feel free to contact us.


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