Special Education

Excellent Facilities

Freyberg High School provides opportunities for all students with special learning requirements to discover and develop their individual strengths and talents. Our excellent facilities and programmes are a hallmark of the school.

They include:

  • The Deaf Education Hub

  • Resource Teacher of the Deaf

  • The Craig Centre

  • Te Korowai ArohaHe Puna Tautoko (HPT)

  • Specalist School Based Resource Teachers

Specialist Support:.  Specialist such as Physiotherapists, Speech Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Educational Psychologists, Behaviour Support specialists, Autism Specialists, Transition Agencies. They work within the guidelines of the Specialist Service Standards and school policies.​​​​​​​

Contact Special Education:

Phyllis Burns HOD - Special Education 06 358 4971 ext 752   Email
Jodie Jochem Asst HOD - Special Education   Email
Fay Ellmers Administrator 06 358 4971 ext 740   Email

Specialist Provision

Specialist Provision

A team of specalists are contracted to work with our ORs students. They work in conjunction with families to provide specialist programmes where there is a need. 

Specialists provide feedback to whanau and school through written reports, meetings and professional development opportunities.

They work within the guidelines of the Specialist Service Standards and school policies.

The Deaf Education Hub

The Deaf Education Hub

This facility is purpose built for students who are deaf. It is a quiet environment with a loop system, a visual alarm system, wooden floors for feedback through vibration, and appropriate lighting.

Programmes are personalised to meet students’ individual learning requirements. Students attend regular classes and specialist staff (teachers and deaf communicators) provide additional support in class as required.

Specialist teachers are trained in all aspects of hearing loss and maintain strong networks with other support services, such as Ko Taku Reo and the Deaf Association of New Zealand. A deaf mentor provides an important additional dimension.

Resource Teacher of the Deaf: RTD

A resource teacher is accessed  through in the Deaf Education Hub. The RTD is available to assist identified Freyberg students and visits are also made to other schools in the area, supporting deaf and hearing-impaired students in their local schools. Assistance from the RTD may include pre-teaching of new topics, consolidation of classwork, provision of additional resources to assist learning, and assistance with curriculum adaptation.

In the Wider School

In The Wider School

Many students with special learning needs work most of each day in regular classrooms. A student's key teacher will work with classroom teachers, support staff, families and whānau to ensure their requirements are met throughout the school day. Adaptations can include physical modifications to the classroom or adaptations to the learning environment or to the teaching programme

Craig Centre

Craig Centre

This specialist centre has a dedicated and highly experienced staff catering for students requiring fully individualised support at school. Facilities include therapy and relaxation spaces, lovely bright classrooms with an attached student kitchen/dining area and a spa pool. Staff based at the centre coordinate and facilitate students’ education by providing:

  • Specialised Individual Education Plans and Programmes
  • A holistic, inclusive education with full in-class support
  • A supportive, well resourced environment
  • Close home-school liaison
  • Specialist staff and specialised equipment​​​​​​​
  • Speech-Language Therapy, Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Programmes

Te Korowai Aroha

Te Korowai Aroha​​​​​​​

TKA has a mix of Senior and Junior students where teaching and learning is carried out using a holistic approach designed to meet the individual needs of all students.

Learning focusses on Numeracy, Litearcy, Life Skills, Social Skills and some Community Activities.

Students access wider school classes alongside their individual needs.

Senior students preparing to leave school participate in the Life After school programme.

He Puna Tautoko (HPT)

He Puna Tautoko (HPT)
Supporting students learning

This centre provides a  “home-room” environment catering for individual student’s learning needs. Students with significant learning needs are based in the centre where they participate in curriculum subjects focussing on functional numeracy and liteacy, and life skills, along with wider school subjects and transition activities.

Students are encouraged to be responsible for their own learning. They learn to use their initiative, to be well organised, to be independent and to work to the best of their ability. The development of confidence and self-esteem is fostered in a positive environment where students can achieve success at their own level.

Teaching and support staff, parents/caregivers and whānau and community resource personnel work together towards positive educational outcomes for each student.

Transition - Life After School Programme

Life After School Programme

This Programme is aimed at supporting students to develop the skills they have or need to learn as they move from school into adult life.

The Program Involves:

  • Daily life skills e.g. cooking, laundy, personal care, safety, sex education, budgeting, shopping, CV preparation and more.
  • Participation in the community; swimming, travel, fitness (Gym Membership), community facilities such as the library and parks, work experience, Tertiary courses, cafes etc.
  • Engagement with community services; the Police, Fire Deparment, transition agencies (Options, Choices), medical services, Mana Whaikaha.
  • SPEC modules may be linked to the activities with students being awarded certificates when the modules are completed.
  • Specialist therapy programmes can be included as required. Our Occupational Therapist is available to support students with daily living skills and future planning.
  • Students can also attend classes in the wider school if this is in their individual plan and are included in all whole school/house activities, assemblies etc.