National Certificate of Educational Achievement

Freyberg High School

Understanding NCEA

The NZQA Website includes all the current information about NCEA, a explanatory video (see screenshot below) and how to achieve it to move into tertiary study or work. To access the page, please visit About NCEA

How it works (06:03 mins)​​​​​​​

Watch the following video that explains how NCEA works.

NCEA Student Handbook

Each year, our Student Assessment Handbook is published to guide students through the adminstration of NCEA, and their rights and responsibilities.​​​​​​​

The Freyberg High School Handbook is a reference for students doing NCEA Level 1, 2 or 3 and outlines the school’s systems and processes for NCEA. 

Further NCEA specific information can be found at the NZQA website, including what is so far confirmed about future NCEA changes at Level 1.

NZQA Website

To find out how a student is tracking toward NCEA/academic goals, please log onto Parent Portal or contact their kaiārahi (a development of the academic coach role).​​​​​​​

To find out how a student is tracking in a specific subject, please contact their subject teacher.

To find out more about how NCEA is administered in a specific subject, please contact the Head of Department of that subject.

To find out more about how NCEA is administered across the school, please contact the Principal's Nominee, Rachel Shepherd (

Staff Directory: Leadership

Staff Directory: Teaching Staff